Featured Review: Sunday Girl – I&K Clip-in Hair Extensions


The Sunday Girl has recently reviewed our I&K Clip-in Extensions in colour 613 (lightest blonde), 22 inches, and here she gives her thoughts.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

I and K Hair Extensions 22inches – Review

I thought I’d share these before I dye them to match my hair, my hair is a funny old shade and to the best of my knowledge no-one carries shade 7.31 so the easiest method I find is to buy the lightest blonde shade and wack on some dye so they match.

Of course you have to be really careful when doing so as really blonde shades have been processed but I’ll talk more about that aspect and some tips etc in my follow up post soon!

For those with curious minds I have shade 613 which is deemed lightest blonde.

The I&K Full head extension kits come in various sizes – 14,18,22 inches long, it really depends on your taste and needs for the hair.

I personally like my extensions fairly long as I often curl them which some what reduces the length due to the curls and I want the best of both worlds – length and big bouncy curls!

All the full heat kits come complete with 18 clips so you can apply and remove the hair at your own leisure. One set is usually more than substitutional for most people but sadly I have more hair than the Honey Monster and Cousin It combined so I do need to use two sets to blend properly. Don’t let that put you off, I have never met anyone with quite as thick hair as myself and all my friends who have normal-thick hair manage with one kit just fine.

The actual hair is thick, feels really soft and has a glossy sheen, not something you always find with super light blonde processed hair! The clips are sturdy, grip well into the hair and are well attached to the hair weft.

Each set comes with 10 clip in pieces which are generous in hair and width, if like I you plan to dye your extensions each set comes with two spare pieces of hair to test on.

As these are human hair you basically can treat them as you would your own,i.e you can dye them, use heat etc but the kinder you treat them the longer they will last.

In my next post I shall show you how I dye mine, how I apply and style mine and the final results!

I&K Extensions are available from hairtrade.com starting at £39.99 – link

The Sunday Girl blog: http://www.thesundaygirl.com/

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